My Story

My Story

Hi I am Manpreet Kaur,Mind Energizer

And most people know me as:

Founder of The International Mind Energizer Academy

An online revolutionary, self help education movement with 1000's of students worldwide and growing .

Author of the life transforming Book

ENTER GOD'S FREQUENCY - A proven way to Heal, Relieve Stress and Manifest Effortlessly available on Amazon Worldwide

Creator of Mind Energizer Healing Method

A profound healing method created through intuitive guidance, for complete holistic wellness of the mind , body and soul .

Creator of Money Manifestor's Community

A community that is touted as the missing link for every manifestor's financial success based on principles of Subconscious Mind Reprogramming .

A Speaker and Women Empowerment Expert

My endeavour is to impact the lives of maximum people with life changing knowledge and my own experiments with reality creation.

Life gave me countless struggles, failures, sleepless nights, blurred goals & no sense of many of you might be also facing now. What makes my story extraordinary is how I managed to not only overcome all these difficulties but created a life that I always dreamt of.

The formula to success didn't come was only after putting in laborious hours of study, experimentation in different situations in life, attending life changing conferences & seminars along with trials & tribulations & an undying faith in “Waheguru” I finally found the magic...My Soul Purpose...!!!

Throughout these wonderful & enlightening years , I have mastered many spiritual practises ranging from Reiki to Angel Healings,from Profound Meditations to Expertise in Law of Attraction. I also mastered the deeper MIND study of Neuro Linguistic Programming and now am an International Master Trainer and Coach who not only helps people change their mindset but also helps to address & easily resolve their challenges in life both personally & professionally.

I always felt that, knowledge which is not used for the benefit of mankind is of no use, so I decided to use my wisdom to bridge the gap between knowledge & the common man.... This led to the creation of Mind Energizer® Healing Method.

This method is backed up by science and is super effective & simple so that every person can use it to their benefit .

It has allowed me to touch the lives of many people by helping them to tap the power of their own mind and achieve highest levels of success & happiness. It proves that the Human Mind has unlimited powers which only have to be tapped to create amazing results in all spheres of your life.

So now this Kaur is on a mission to empower mankind with this life changing method,so that it can help people lead a better quality of life,to unleash their magic & spread happiness across to everyone!!

Lets all join hands to heal the world,one soul at a time❤️

My academy teachings, my healings, my writing, and my speaking are all in service of my goal to elevate consciousness of 1 million people around the world.


Manifestation.Spirituality. Consciousness.

Lets all join hands to heal the world,one soul at a time❤️

Love & Light

Manpreet Kaur

Mind Energizer

Let's Be Extraordinary Together

If my life’s journey has inspired you, would you like to now be part of it?

My life puts me in touch with ideas and discoveries on the leading edge of education

and human consciousness.

You can follow it all on my social media channels. Or, you can go deeper with me

through my most loved book and online courses.

Connect With Me on Social Media

To enquire about MANPREET KAUR speaking at your event please email at

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